Regulation EU 2020/1503 Crowdfunding marketing and conflicts of interest
Dec. 16, 2021
di Daniele Costa
Today we finish the analysis of the crowdfunding regulation with the analysis of two practical profiles: marketing and conflicts of interest
Regulation EU 2020/1503 Crowdfunding key investment information sheet
Dec. 9, 2021
di Daniele Costa
Today we analyze one of the most delicate profiles in a crowdfunding campaign: key investment information sheet
Regulation EU 2020/1503 Crowdfunding sophisticated and non-sophisticated investors
Dec. 2, 2021
di Daniele Costa
Today let's find out together what are the differences between sophisticated and non-sophisticated investors
Regulation EU 2020/1503 Crowdfunding authorisation
Nov. 25, 2021
di Daniele Costa
Let's see what are the requirements and the procedure to become a crowdfunding platform